Monday, November 17, 2008

let it snow

So it snowed… let it snow… let it snow… let it snow. We’ve got firewood… sort of. It happens to be iced together because that is the cruel nature of November… snow melts… ice forms… wood is like really stuck together. The solution is of course an axe… a sled… and frigging mittens. Or we could wait until later.

I am not a Lumberjill… though I do happen to have awesome axe skills… thee are those who will drop a brick just thinking about what that could lead to… heh heh heh… I like that. Beauty has its charms of course but there is nothing like an axe to get the point across. Accent should have been spelled axcent.

So there is snow… which means that there is sledding to be done… there is walking along the path to be done and there is extreme caution as our footbridge is narrow and icy at the moment. Treacherous when towing a sled full of wood… but that is a side issue that does not matter as we shall get the wood up to the wood shed where it will thaw and be ready for splitting and the fire place.

Sitting by the fire makes it all worth while. It may not be an efficient use of the old BTUs but what it lacks in utility it makes up for in artistry. Ain’t nothing like a day out in the sun and sun to be followed by a jigger of scotch sitting on the carpet by a nice inferno. It is a quality of light thing… and a quantity of heart thing.

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely I can attest to the delight of being by the fireplace. Very cozy and goes well with white wine, some grapes, fresh-out-of-the-oven bread, and some nice imported cheese.
